Swtor story order 6.0
Swtor story order 6.0

swtor story order 6.0

Heroics are also one of the fastest ways to earn credits, especially since most of them can be done solo. Each planet has at least a couple heroics you can repeat if you want more XP, more credits, or if you just enjoy those specific quests. Heroic quests, however, are repeatable and most can be done once per day. Your class mission, the main planetary story arc, and exploratory missions, are one-time quests that you can not repeat later, unless you start a new character. This is why they are hidden by default – most players will find the game more fun by sticking to the more exciting purple quests. The good news, due to a mechanic called level sync, if you got a planet that is for level 20 players, you’ll be temporarily downgraded to level 20 while you are on the planet, will still receive rewards and experience for completing planets on that lower-level planet. Fair warning, if you choose to do the exploratory missions, you will be highly overlevelled and may reach level 50 long before you finish your class storyline. These types of exploration quests are represented by a yellow triangular quest icon with a small diamond sign, instead of a purple triangle. This will make it so any side exploration missions will show up on your minimap and in the world – if you do not have this checked, many additional quests will be deactivated and you won’t be able to pick them up until you have it checked.

swtor story order 6.0

If you are interested in doing every quest, you’ll want to open your minimap by pressing your M key and checking the check box on the bottom left that says “Show Exploration Missions”. Apart from the main quests, there are also side quests including exploration quests, heroic quests, and Flashpoint quests.Įxploratory quests are hidden by default, to make it easier for more casual players to skip them and focus on their main storyline. If you are the kind of player who loves story, you’ll want to make sure you complete all the quests available to you. Your class quest is exclusive to your class, but the planetary story arcs are shared between all classes in your faction on that planet. One will be your class story, and the second will be the main story arc for the planet you are on. Later in the game, you will have two purple quests. Your main quest is known as your class story, and will be represented by a purple quest icon over quest-givers heads, and by purple icons on your map. The good news is that all the class stories happen at roughly the same time – so you can pick the class that interests you the most, and it doesn’t matter too much if you choose to play the Jedi Knight or the Bounty Hunter story first. Your first step in your character creation is to pick a faction and a class. FLASHPOINT: Secrets of the Enclave (Dantooine Flashpoint).EXPANSION: Onslaught (Onderon & Mek-Sha).FLASHPOINT: Copero (A Traitor Among the Chiss).EXPANSION: Knights of the Eternal Throne.EXPANSION: Knights of the Fallen Empire (Zakuul & Odessen).EXPANSION: Shadow of Revan (Rishi & Yavin 4).EXPANSION: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (Makeb).FLASHPOINT: The Battle of Ilum & The False Emperor.FLASHPOINTS: Taral V & Maelstrom Prison (Republic) / FLASHPOINTS: Boarding Party & The Foundry (Imperial).Capital Planet, Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

Swtor story order 6.0